How To Choose A Good Dentist?

Does the institution and the doctor comply with the 10 Rule No.s of a good dentist?

How to choose a dentist?

With an acute toothache, you no longer have to choose a doctor. Therefore, wise people go to the dentist more than once a year – at least in order to have time to choose the best. If a tooth hurts, you are unlikely to look closely at the clinic – and it is very worth doing it. But during a planned visit, nothing prevents you from turning on your observation and analyzing whether the institution and the doctor comply with the 10 Rule No.s of a good dentist.

Rule No. 1.

Behind the beautiful façade, there are poor furnishings and walls that clearly require repair? It is unlikely that the owner of this clinic properly treats his business, staff and clients. Let’s not risk it and look for a more decent establishment.

Rule No. 2.

A good dental clinic does not waste time on trifles: a preliminary examination of the oral cavity is usually free.

Rule No. 3.

The temperature in the office should be + 21 ° + 24 ° C. At a lower level, photocomposites lose their plasticity and the ability to fragmentally adhere to hard dental tissues. When high, the fluidity of the material increases, which complicates its plastic processing. All this will result in future cracks in the fillings.

Rule No. 4.

Modern photocomposite materials are very sensitive to light. Pay attention to the general lighting of the office: it should be diffused, shadowless and not heating the doctor’s working field.

Rule No. 5.

Do not trust a clinic where, supposedly understanding your busyness, they promise not to detain you and complete the filling in 15-20 minutes. In fact, it takes more time for a modern and world-class treatment.

Rule No. 6.

It is advisable that the doctor work with an assistant who assists in choosing the necessary colors and shades of the filling material, polishes, monitors the timely removal of fluid from the oral cavity. True, the presence of an assistant, as a Rule No., raises the cost of treatment.

Rule No. 7.

Leave immediately if you do not have confidence in the doctor and it seems that he can harm you. First, you should listen to your intuition. Secondly, with such a prejudice, even a good result may not satisfy you – in the end, you will never spoil your nerves for yourself and the doctor.

Rule No. 8.

In dentistry, there are practically no absolute indications for anything. Get an individual approach to you. Let the dentist explain why he is suggesting this particular treatment option. But also be wary if there are too many terms for which no explanation is given, the novelty and unusualness of any method is deliberately emphasized.

Rule No. 9.

Pay attention to how and with what the teeth and root canals are filled: the health and longevity of the tooth largely depends on this. The filling should restore the natural anatomy of the tooth as much as possible. The canal should be completely sealed, not one-second or two-thirds. This is checked radiographically: the doctor is obliged to show you one or more X-rays taken during the treatment, and explain the picture so that you can see for yourself how well the canal is sealed.

Rule No. 10.

It is great if the processing of instruments takes place in front of your eyes – this removes possible questions regarding sterility