Robert Kiyosaki’s Revelations: How to Get Rich in 10 minutes

Robert Kiyosaki is a millionaire, successful businessman and public speaker who inspires people around the world to pursue their goals. His fortune exceeds $ 80 million and continues to grow. So did the popularity of the bestselling Rich Dad Poor Dad book. But what does Robert himself say about this?

Journalists always ask Kiyosaki the following questions: How did he get rich? What difficulties did you face? What do all rich people tell him? Here is a first-hand success story.

My father worked in the field of education, he was an intelligent and respected person. Once I asked him: “Dad, why don’t they tell us anything about money at school?”

Looking at me, he said: “The government does not need this, it does not allow us to teach you this. The government says what we should teach you and what not. “

It seemed strange to me, and I asked: “Don’t we go to school to learn how to make money?”

He replied: “No, your task is to get a specialty and find a job.”

“No, no, no, wait,” I said. “Is the purpose of the job to make money?” The father replied, “You’re right.” I said, “So why don’t we just tell you how to make money?” He was confused and said: “Better ask your best friend’s father about money.” Mike was my best friend then. I asked: “Why him?” The father replied, “Because Mike’s dad is an entrepreneur.” I asked: “Who are you?” “And I am an employee, an employee in a company.”

I thought about it: “What’s the difference?” “And the difference is that an entrepreneur must know how to make money, or he is not an entrepreneur. And they say about us that an employee doesn’t need to know anything about finances. Because the government will take care of our company and me anyway.”

I followed my father’s advice. And he came to Mike’s father’s office. Knocked on his door and said, “I’m nine years old, teach me about finance.” He said: “Take this child away!”

And you know, this is where the story of Rich Dad and Poor Dad began. And so, thanks to my persistence, Rich Dad started teaching me about finance, but on one condition. This condition was that he would never pay me. Dad said: “The moment I pay you, you start thinking like a worker. It is a trap. Entrepreneurs work for free! ” And then, at nine years old, my head burst in half! I asked him: “Okay, I agree, but how can I make money?” He replied, “This is exactly what all entrepreneurs are trying to figure out.”

So I worked for free, collecting cigarette butts in his hotels and restaurants, cleaning and doing the dirty work. Already at an older age I started doing office work, marketing and accounting. I was a student. And I always worked for free, and he taught me about finance. So, what’s the secret?

I was also unlucky in life. I suffered financial ruin, I was betrayed more than once by my partners. But in the end all is well, I quickly outgrew it all. I have a different mindset! People who are afraid to make mistakes never grow up. They have a wrong perception of the world. Perception is both good and bad that happens to us. These are both right and wrong decisions, these are ups and downs. Every time I make a wrong decision, I say, “Okay, what have I learned?” And most people only want to do what is right. They do not want to be wrong, they always want to be sure of something. And the reason poor people stay poor is because they don’t make mistakes. They live very carefully. They try not to make mistakes, because they were taught that way at school. This means that they will not learn anything in this life.

Poverty is inherited. You are taught this in your family. This is how the middle class turns out. People who are sitting at home right now, who are in financial difficulties, who are worried about money or are unhappy with something. They may be making a lot of money, but they are actually unhappy with what they do. Probably they were taught that way. They tell you: “You will never be rich” or “Wealth is evil.”

– And until you change your thinking, money won’t help you?

– Quite right.

At school you will never be taught how to make money. The school system is designed so that you become an employee, doctor or lawyer – a specialist in your field. But she will not teach you how to manage your money wisely. What most people lack is financial literacy in matters such as income and expense tracking, loans, investments and savings. Everyone should know these things, but, alas, we are not taught this in schools. People ask me, “How did your Rich Dad know about all this if he was just a PhD in philosophy?” And my answer is very simple: “My best friend’s rich dad lost his father when he was 13 years old. The pain of loss, the family business that came to him at the age of 13, the forced retirement from school – all this became in some way a blessing for him. Then his teachers were his accountants, his lawyers, his bankers, his real estate agents. He had what I call real teachers, not these fake teachers at school. Most school teachers are not professionals in their field. They teach subjects that they don’t practice themselves. I call them fake teachers. A fake teacher is someone who just needs this job and will teach you anything. When I was in my third year of college, I asked one of my teachers, “Will I ever use what you teach us?” He said, “No, but I get paid to teach you this subject. It doesn’t matter if you use this knowledge. ” And one of the most important things I advise people is to find a real teacher instead of a fake one. The fake teacher does not do what he teaches, but the real one does it every day.

– I see that you have this knowledge, and you understand what to do. Are rich people telling you, “Don’t tell them this, Robert”?

– Yes. “Don’t tell people what you know, let them stay poor.” The poor will always be among us because it starts on the inside. It is in their words, and their words become reality. When they say, “I can’t afford it,” or “I can’t do this,” that’s when they give up. They become what they talk about. My Poor Dad used to tell me, “Who do you think I am? Do you think that I’m printing money? I can not afford it!”. And my Rich Dad would say, “That’s why he’s poor.” Poor people say: “I can’t afford it, I can’t do it, I don’t have time for it!” They run away from themselves. It’s a vicious circle. It’s very easy to say, “I can’t do that. I’m too tired “or” I can’t go to the gym. ” The moment you could go, you say, “No, I can’t.” And the truth is, you’re just too lazy to go to the gym.

“And what did your Rich Dad say instead of“I can’t afford it ”?

– “How can I afford it?”, “How can I do it?”, “How long will it take?” or “Why should I do this?” The question opens your mind, and the statement closes it. So when you say, “I can’t afford it,” your mind shuts down and you become what you are talking about.

I always advise young people: find your favourite business, play your game. My number one business is financial education, number two is real estate. And this is my game! But you may have a completely different game, your game! Many people choose to be spectators instead of players. One of the great ways to get rich is to play in real life. And stop being cool in computer games, be cool in the real world, in a game called life!