Why do you Need a Hair Mask

The cold season is the time when our hair is especially affected by weather conditions: frost, cold wind, snow make curls brittle, dry and dehydrated. That is why now it is worth taking care of them many times more actively. The first product to appear in your travel bag is a mask. 

The mask is a versatile and win-win helper in hair care. In a matter of minutes, a product can truly work wonders. The result will be noticeable immediately after the first application, says an expert. After you have washed your hair with shampoo, you must definitely complete the treatment and use a hair mask. Useful components in the composition of the product cover the hair scales, thereby making them smooth, silky and shiny. 


  • Nutritious
  • Moisturizing
  • Smoothing
  • Restoring
  • For colored hair
  • For blonde hair

The most important thing is that when choosing a mask, pay attention to the mask’s components. The cosmetic product should be free of silicones, but at the same time with a high content of natural ingredients.

How to use masks:

Squeeze wet hair out a little with a towel.

On clean curls, apply a mask for your hair type.

Distribute the product along the length, but it is better not to apply the product to the roots.

Leave the mask on for 5-10 minutes and then wash off.