Autumn is a time when almost everyone’s mood and immunity is low. The mood swings and colds come as a commanding attack as soon as summer is over on the calendar. To fight them off, check out these top tips we’ve compiled in this article.
Foggy skies, slushy skies, bone-chilling winds – it seems impossible to stay healthy and cheerful in such weather. But it is possible, if you set yourself up on a positive wave and follow some simple recommendations to strengthen your immunity. But first let’s look at why autumn has such a negative impact on our body?
1. Short daylight hours
With less and less sunshine each day, your vitamin D levels will drop. This affects both our mood and our body’s ability to resist viruses.
2. Lack of fresh air
In inclement weather we venture outdoors less frequently and only move between work and home. The body already lacks fresh air. And any bacteria are much better in the warmth – they can live for weeks on any surface in your office or your favourite cafe. So you’re much more likely to catch an indoor virus than an outdoor one.
3. low mobility
The early autumn makes you want to move around less and less. On a dark, dank morning you don’t feel like going for a run, on a rainy day off you choose to stay at home and watch a TV series instead of going for a walk, and the first frosts combined with a bad mood discourage you from going to the gym. Without even noticing it, a person switches to a sedentary lifestyle, which is also bad for the immune system.
4. Vitamin deficiency
Not only is the end of summer the end of warm, sunny days, but the amount of seasonal fruit and vegetables on the shelves is also drastically reduced. We consume a lot less vitamins. And they are the main ‘fuel’ of the immune system, the lack of which affects its work the worst. Especially vitamin C, which is a powerful antiviral agent.
5. Bad mood
If you have a negative outlook on autumn, you can’t help but feel a little under the weather. Moping, gloomy moods and other unpleasant emotions create a vicious circle: they make you move less, you spend less time in the fresh air, which in turn does not contribute to either a strong immune system or a good mood. And the habit of burying your boredom in sweet and fatty foods doesn’t help you get rid of it. Such a diet only causes skin problems, digestion and weight gain, leading to more moping.
So autumn is a really dangerous time for emotional and physical health. To get through this treacherous time of year without negativity and illness, try the following tips.
Dress for the weather
The autumn months are dangerous because temperatures often fluctuate from plus to minus and heavy rain is suddenly followed by sunshine. Finding the right outfit is difficult, but if you don’t, your chances of getting sick increase significantly. We don’t need to remind you that you shouldn’t wear wet shoes in any weather. If you need to be at a business meeting in patent leather shoes, but outside in a downpour, wear something waterproof, and already in the car or office change into shoes.
There is another side of the coin: when it’s warm and sunny outside, but you overreact, put on a shirt, a warm jumper, and a jacket in addition – you will definitely sweat. The slightest drought is enough to make your temperature rise and your throat go hoarse. So check the forecast beforehand and dress yourself so you can take off or put on an extra layer. This way, you’ll feel comfortable all day.
There’s no denying that sport is a mainstay of health. Often, it’s just plain laziness that gets in the way on a bad day. The goal is to get over this laziness and keep (or start) training hard, no matter what. Go to the gym, exercise at home, run in the park when the weather permits. On your lunch break at work, you can get out of the office and just take a short walk to stretch your legs. Getting some exercise in the morning and before going to bed should be enough to keep your body fit and able to resist viruses.
Eat well.
And by ‘good’, we mean eat a varied and balanced diet. No diets or overeating. Restricting your diet will prevent your body from getting the vitamins and minerals it needs in the fall. This will cause your immune cell production to drop. And excessive sugar will slow down your metabolism even more. So you won’t get healthier and you could end up gaining weight.
So eat plenty of seasonal fruit and vegetables, eat healthier and simple meals, replace sugar with honey, and stick to a healthy eating plan. In autumn, you also don’t need to put too much emphasis on meat. Many producers raise animals on antibiotics, which then, once in the human body, lead to a reduction in its defence functions. So either give preference to locally grown farm products or eat more fish.
For the immune system to function properly, your diet must include:
Protein: fish, eggs, pulses, dairy, cheese, cereals and lean meats.
Vitamin A: cottage cheese, fish oil, sour cream, spinach, green onions, orange and red fruits.
Vitamin C: Citrus fruit, berries, Sauerkraut, persimmon.
Vitamin E: butter and vegetable oil, avocados, liver, egg yolks, nuts.
Take your vitamins
If you’re not sure that your dietary intake of nutrients is sufficient or if you feel a sudden drop in vitality and poor health – it may be a good idea to take a vitamin complex. However, don’t just buy the first one you come across. You need to know exactly which vitamins are missing, so see your doctor and get yourself tested.
Drink tea
What’s autumn without tea? It’s nice to pour yourself a big cup of fragrant tea with lemon, put a blanket over you, and read or watch a good film. You immediately feel cozy and warm. And tea is good for the immune system, especially herbal tea, green, and rosehip. We can’t say the same for coffee. If you drink 5 or more cups of coffee a day, the ability of the organism to resist viruses will fall by 30%. Doctors also advise against drinking alcohol, as it has the most adverse effect on the production of antibodies and lymphocytes, which should fight viruses. At any time of the year, it does not add strength and health to the body, and when it is already weakened, alcohol is doubly dangerous.
Take a walk in the fresh air
Yes, it’s not as warm as it is in summer. But that’s no reason to hole up until spring. And crowded places and public transport can be really dangerous this time of year. Of course, avoiding them altogether won’t work. But if you can get outdoors every chance you get, you’ll have a much better chance of staying healthy.
As you can see, the recipe for feeling good and cheerful is simple. As at any time of year, you need fresh air, vitamins and sports in autumn. And, most importantly, a good mood. Think positively and try to see the upside in everything, even on a rainy day. For example, it is a great opportunity to read interesting articles on our website! By the way, if you like this one, don’t forget to share it with your friends!