Lung diseases claim millions of lives every year. Unfortunately, city dwellers are not able to completely eliminate the factors that harm this most important organ. But you can do something for your breathing today. Here are five ways to improve lung health.
Breathing problems are familiar to many people. According to the WHO, lung cancer is the most common cancer. People die from it more often than from other types of cancer. Also, almost 65 million inhabitants of the planet manifest chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, aka COPD. They have progressive inflammation of the lower respiratory tract and swelling of the bronchi. To help the respiratory system and prevent serious illness, adhere to these recommendations.
Quit smoking
Of course, this is obvious advice. Every smoker has heard it more than once. But really, if you have been smoking for a long time, quitting is the most important thing to do for your lungs. Nothing else affects them so destructively. Smoking increases the risk of cancer twenty-fold and is the most common cause of cancer. Also, smokers can be at risk of asthma, COPD, pulmonary fibrosis and other diseases that adversely affect the quality and longevity. Statistics are such that smoking, or rather the diseases caused by it, claim ten times more lives than all wars combined.
Just one cigarette can fill the respiratory tract with thousands of dangerous chemicals: tobacco tar, nicotine, carbon monoxide and others. Because of which, the walls of the lungs become covered with mucus, and the organ cannot cleanse itself. Tissues are irritated, and inflammatory processes begin.
But doctors are encouraging: it is possible to improve the situation even after many years of smoking. It is enough to think about all the advantages and find the strength to quit. According to the American Lung Association, if you do not smoke again, the level of carbon dioxide in the blood will return to normal after twelve hours. And within a few months, the functions of the respiratory system begin to recover. And within a year, the risk of cardiovascular disease is halved.
Do more sports
Especially cardio: jogging, aerobics, cycling. Aerobic exercise not only improves your figure but is also very beneficial for lung health. The number of breaths per minute increases from 15 to 40-60. An accelerated heartbeat and breathing during sports train the lungs, increase the supply of all tissues and organs with oxygen, and remove carbon dioxide from the body. The lungs work better, they get healthier, and it becomes easier to breathe.
No pollution
In large industrial cities, this is difficult, but possible. If you can drive to work by car, don’t avoid it. Do not open windows in traffic jams, turn on the air conditioner. And walking is better to arrange away from the highways. At home, too, you need to monitor the level of pollution. Do not smoke in it yourself and do not allow your family. Try to do wet cleaning at least five times a week and ventilate all rooms. If you want to add a pleasant scent, ditch synthetic air fresheners and scented candles with formaldehyde and benzene. Better get a special diffuser for natural aromatic oils.
Beware of SARS or cold
Acute respiratory viral infections are really dangerous, now few people will deny it. In big cities, many viruses circulate regularly. And if you endure some of them without noticing it, others can provoke severe pneumonia and pneumonia. Therefore, heed the advice of doctors: in the midst of epidemics, wear a mask, wash your hands and do not touch your face.
Masks really help, no matter what anyone says. Otherwise experts from the World Health Organization would not recommend them. The experience of Asian countries is indicative: there city dwellers almost always wear a mask. This protects against viruses and air pollution.
Also, annual vaccination against the most common strains of influenza will not be superfluous. Better to be safe in advance than to suffer from complications later. And also constantly strengthen the immune system: eat a balanced diet, get a good sleep, watch your health.
Breathe deeply
Oddly enough, but not everyone knows how to breathe correctly. Most often, people take a shallow breath that fills only part of the lungs. Look closely, you probably breathe that way too. Doctors recommend using the entire vital capacity of the organ and gradually increasing it. Filling all the lungs with air completely, you help them cleanse and establish proper oxygen exchange.
Breathing practices, deep breathing exercises, and yoga are good ways to improve your respiratory system. It has been proven that even two minutes of such exercise increases the volume of air that a person can breathe.
Try the following practice. Sit back comfortably and start breathing regularly. Breathe in through your nose and exhale through your mouth twice as slowly. Repeat as many times as you feel comfortable with. Within five to ten minutes you will notice the difference.