It is not uncommon when, returning from your summer vacation, it is scary to go to the mirror – you will not see anything good in your reflection. If this happened, and you did not recognize yourself in the mirror, then the vacation was a success.
Very often we come back from vacation with extra fat returns and gained pounds. The first week, which is devoted to adaptation after the vacation, does not teach anything, but on the contrary, you regularly continue to adhere to the line of your usual summer behavior. But, sooner or later, that longed-for moment will come when you realize that this cannot go on any longer. And therefore, there is an urgent need to get rid of the physical condition in full combat tone, in which it (the state) before the onset of the summer vacation season.
As a rule, while on vacation, we can imagine a lot of interesting, spicy, high-calorie and excessive things. So, for example, at lunch we drink a glass of red or white wine, or stronger alcoholic drinks. This continues until the head touches the cherished pillow. But the next day the situation will certainly repeat itself. Correctly, why, any worries, since office work remained far away? Remember, excess alcohol is a direct consequence of your pounds.
Along with alcohol, people drink liters of sweet juices and carbonated water. It contains sugar, which stimulates and even stimulates the appetite. If you want to give up drinking juice and soda water, then you will notice how the feeling of hunger dulls. It is recommended to dilute juice or carbonated drink with water. Sugar will decrease and, accordingly, your appetite will decrease.
On vacation, especially in the All Inclusive type, when EVERYTHING is really included, we cannot go through with our “tiny” plate of this, this and stinking dish. Simply put, we always fill our disparate belly to full satiety. The stomach is stretched. And the next day we wonder why more food can fit in our belly today than it could fit yesterday? When you are at home, your stomach, you can put a whole herd of cattle on a spit, it will impartially give impulses – master, feed me properly. What are you? Therefore, in this matter, it is important to learn to deceive your feeling of hunger, which is especially manifested at night. It is recommended to eat an apple before going to bed or before eating the main course. This fruit is not high in calories and contains a set of nutrients and vitamins necessary for your body. If you make it a rule to eat one apple before breakfast, lunch or dinner, your stomach will be able to fill up a little and will no longer be demanding in relation to your desires to eat too much.