Active Vacations: Water Sports
Do you want to have 100% fun this summer? There are at least a couple of water sports you should try.
Do you want to have 100% fun this summer? Then be sure to try at least a couple of water sports. First, you will get a splash of adrenaline, secondly, bring your body in perfect shape, and thirdly, no girl can resist such a daredevil.
There are many water sports. They are divided into classic (officially recognized by the Olympics) and unusual (related to sports and recreation). In the category of classical sports are all kinds of swimming (including synchronized swimming), rowing and canoeing, diving and water polo. But on the water you can have fun and a lot of other, more original and extreme sports. That is what we are going to talk about in this article, because summer is in full swing, and we should not miss this wonderful opportunity to actively relax from the daily grind.
Wakeboarding .
This sport and recreation is gaining in popularity, including jumping, elements of water-skiing slalom and some acrobatics. Wakeboarding is divided into two divisions: wakeboarding and electric wakeboarding (cable wakeboarding). In the first case, the athlete holds the halyard and is carried behind the boat, engaged in the performance of a variety of tricks, using springboards and running waves. In contrast, in cable wakeboarding man moves on the water thanks to the mechanized rope towing installation, which replaces the boat. Such installations are divided into circular (wakeparks, where a person moves in a circle) and reversible (the athlete goes only forward and backward).
In this sport, the athlete also rides behind the towboat. The boat is loaded with ballast on one side, creating a large wave on one side. The athlete rides a special board “wakesurf” – it has no bindings and allows you to roll on the wave created by the boat. The main advantage of wakesurfing is that they can be engaged in any body of water, would have a board and a boat.
Water Skiing is a movement on the water on a specially shaped ski, connected by a rope (“halyard”) with a boat. Water Skiing is divided into singles and pairs. Pairing can include figure and jumping, and single – slalom (mono) ski. Figure skis look short and wide enough, both their ends are slightly bent. The jumping skis are longer and have a very bent nose. The slalom ski is also long, its back part is narrowed and the toe is bent. On the backsides (the part that slides on the water) slalom skis have a keel.
Water tourism
This is a popular form of sports tourism. His goal – to overcome the route on any body of water, more or less big. There are several types of water tourism: sea kayaking, river rafting, sailing and rafting.
The main equipment hydrofoiler is a board, equipped with a seat (pad), an underwater “wing” and bindings for the feet. The athlete rides it in a sitting position, holding the halyard. As soon as the speed is picked up, the underwater wing begins to lift the board with the rider over the water. This changes the angle of attack of the wing (tilt up and down) and the person provokes a jump by performing a trick. In terms of complexity, the easiest hydrofoil trick is AIR GAINER – the rider jumps and spins backwards.
Canopolo is a team ball game in kayaks, and they even published a current version of the rules on it. According to them, there must be 8 players on the team, with 5 playing and 3 in reserve. The size of the field is 35 by 23 meters. The goalposts are hung at a height of 2 meters. Substitutions are not limited in any way. Canopolo has two halves, each lasting 10 minutes. If it is the final game, on which depends the allocation of seats, in the case of a draw extra time is set until the first goal.
Kayaking is a subspecies of water tourism, the action of which takes place on a vessel called a kayak. Kayaking is divided into kayaking-swimming, sea kayaking, recreational kayaking, downhill kayaking and freestyle on rough water, and paddling slalom.
Mini transat
The name Mini transat as well as transat 6.50, Open 650 or Mini class belong to the small size yachts of the Mini class on which solo cruising races are conducted. The main regatta is the race across the Atlantic, which gave rise to the name of the class (trans atlantic) in 1977. The class is considered open, and therefore all yachts that meet the required parameters can participate.
The essence of parasailing is that the person is attached by a long strong rope to the boat and after opening a special parachute is floating in the air above the water. If the boat has a sufficiently powerful engine, the parachute can simultaneously float under 2-3 people.
In America, this name belongs to inflatable sleds, and we have different names for them: tubing, winding dolls, bagels, snow tubing, donuts, inflatable sleds, tubas and toboggans. Inflatable tubing sleds compare favorably from traditional sleds: their weight is minimal, they are soft when riding, safe when coming down, bright, colorful, and what is very important – they are easy to store in connection with the small volume in the discharged state.
Tubing is divided into 2 types, winter and summer. In winter, inflatable sleds come down from the snowy slopes, with a slope of not more than 20 degrees. In summer, they are rafted on the water, almost like a boat. But the advantage of tubing is that on the rivers with a current of average speed, or when riding a tubing behind the boat, the sled breaks away from the water and floats in the air for a moment.
Freestyle on rough water
This sport does not belong to the Olympic sport, where the main objective of the athlete is to perform all sorts of acrobatic elements on the playspot (shaft or barrel) for 45 seconds. In this water sport, the elements are performed along the lines of freestyle disciplines in snowboarding, surfing, skateboarding, water skiing and many others. To engage in freestyle on rough water, you need to build up a certain level of mastery of both your body and your kayak. In some cases, acrobatic freestyle on rough water is abbreviated to freestyle kayaking. Acrobatic freestyle is considered the most youthful direction of modern kayaking, which is incredibly actively developing nowadays.