Very simple – understand that wearing glasses is stylish! It is no accident they say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. But what to do if these “mirrors” constantly hide the glasses?
Very simple – understand that a bespectacled person – it’s stylish!
It is no accident they say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. But what to do if these “mirrors” constantly hide the glasses? The easiest way out, of course – contact lenses. But first, not every eye will “tolerate” them.
And secondly, the correctly chosen frames can emphasize your personality.
Glasses should not only be comfortable and perfectly “sit on the nose”, but also be in harmony with your face. It is equally important that they match the color of your eyes, hair, skin.
Black or dark-brown frames are very rare. If you have pale, acne-prone skin, be careful when choosing yellow-green, blue, purple tones. Much better look natural colors: sand, beige, color of brown eggshells. Choose soft, transparent tones.
It is desirable to have two pairs of glasses (and depending on financial possibilities – a few). Glasses for every day are well chosen when they look neutral and do not catch the eye. The second pair of glasses should have a more spectacular appearance.
But the main thing is that if for some reason you can’t wear contact lenses, you shouldn’t feel “complicated” and hate “glassy glasses” because they are “unfashionable,” “silly,” “ugly…” Consider that all these words referring to glasses are in the past.
The disdainful attitude towards “bespectacles” with the advent of contact lenses has become obsolete. In the modern world of fashion and style it is considered that if a person wears glasses but not lenses it means he expresses his individuality this way.
If glasses suit you, but you are not sure if you should wear them every day, wear them only under the clothes that go best with the frame, and replace them with lenses for the rest of the time. Many people have both contact lenses and glasses – sometimes even several: this allows you to change your image depending on your mood and situation.
Maybe you’re annoyed by the transparency of the glasses? Try on glasses with tinted lenses. Light tints can be worn even in winter, though you still rely on clear glass for a formal event. Finally, tinted glasses are a good psychological help for shy people: no matter how light the tone is, it is still a barrier to the “mirrors of the soul,” and the person feels more confident.
By the way, glasses are a sign of respectability. Psychologists have found out that people wearing glasses evoke more confidence. This is why many respectable businessmen and politicians with good eyesight order glasses with expensive frames, but with simple lenses.
So don’t be shy about wearing glasses!