The Most Instagrammable Food on Holidays

Have you been there? The waiter is heading towards you with a plate in their hand. You can not help it, you are already itching to snap the delicious dish that’s soon to be sat in front of you. Whether it is grabbing some street food or a sitting down to a plate of posh nosh, as long as it’s presented in a way which will get those likes rolling  in; who cares? I visited Cooking club a little while ago and I can not lie, I found it a struggle not to post every single meal on Instagram. Having given into temptation nearly every time, here are my top tips on taking those perfect food pictures.

We all have been there. A waiter is coming towards you with a hot plate in his hand. You can’t wait to snap the delicious dish that soon will be placed in front of you. Whether you are eating some street food or sitting down in a posh restaurant, as long as it is presented in a way that would give you desired “likes” I struggle not to post a nice looking meal on Instagram. Here are my top tips on taking the perfect food pictures.

#1/ Nice setting

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The best thing you can do to make your food look fantastic is to find the perfect setting. That could be a poolside bar with a great snack to capture your souvlaki or Greek salad with shimmering water and some lush, leafy plants in the background.

#2/ Table Tastic!

Don’t worry if you’re not out in the sun: it’s just like Instagrammable inside the restaurant. It might sound strange, but the plates could have personality in a wide range of colors and different glazes. Complete with a rustic, wooden table background, the meal times never looked cooler.

#3/ Be traditional

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I am obsessed with following foodies to see exactly what they are eating and it always inspires me so much to try new things. Make some pictures of traditional Greek food like moussaka, tzatziki or an olive salad. They are so colourful, and completely different, that might show some friends dishes they have never seen before. Snap!