Winter is your test of endurance, courage and loyalty to your bearded principles. If you pass it successfully, you get a nice bonus – the enthusiastic sighs of beautiful girls and the envious glances of men who cannot boast of great chic dignity.
Winter is your test of endurance, courage and loyalty to your bearded principles. If you pass it successfully, you get a nice bonus – the enthusiastic sighs of beautiful girls and the envious glances of men who cannot boast of great chic dignity. If you fail, you might lose your beard altogether.
The problem is that winter does not come alone, but accompanied by its faithful friends: wind, dryness, frost. They cannot react calmly to how you enjoy the first snow, the choice of gifts and the pre-holiday atmosphere. They sneakily throw up their checks in order to understand the seriousness of your intentions: are you ready to take care of your beard every day, invest in your health and beauty, or will you easily give up at the first difficulties.
For the hardy men who consider their beards their treasure, we’ve put together the top tips for caring for them in winter.
So, let’s begin.
Tip 1. Moisturize your beard every day
The beard becomes lethargic and dull under the influence of cold weather, so without sufficient moisture, you risk joining the ranks of ordinary beardless gentlemen.
Remember rule number 1: come out of the bath – please your beard with oil. But remember that a hot shower is not a good idea (however, if you are accompanied by a sultry brunette with a size 4, you can make an exception;))
Rule number 2: sunflower oil – for frying, blakk brutal oil – for the beard.
Rule # 3: Premium oil is for premium men, premium men are for premium women.
Do you want your beard to be perfectly groomed and healthy?
Even if you want to, but keep quiet, you should still know: it is best to rub oil into it in the morning (and if you feel the need, then in the evening), and then use (just shhhh!) A secret custom balm from blakk. 8 organic oils + vitamins not only spread a seductive scent, but also give even more moisture to your skin and beard, and natural wax in the composition makes styling easy and creative. The results of a study by the Kiev National Institute of Sexy Bearded Men speak for themselves: 12 out of 10 girls fold their necks and, like zombies, go to the smell of this balm. One milligram – and the beauty is ready for anything;)
Tip 2. Brush, brush and comb again
A brush or comb made from natural materials is a care tool that should not be neglected. It keeps the beard tidy and stylish, improves blood circulation, distributes oil evenly and trains the hair to the correct growth path. What man in his right mind and sober memory would allow his beard hair to stick out in different directions, as if he had put his wet fingers into a socket a minute ago?
We also want to share with you the secret of combing a beard (you can safely pass it on from generation to generation, we do not mind for good people). If the beard is long, you should start combing it from the ends of the hair (in order to untangle the hairs) and gradually move towards the root. This method will reduce hair trauma and leave your beard intact.
Tip 3. Take care of your beard in the cold, like CVV cards and correspondence in your phone
Perhaps beautiful girls are turned on by brutal macho who take a photo against the backdrop of snow-capped mountains, flaunting their thick beard, in which snowflakes are entangled, but … let’s be honest: after such a photoset without using a special beard oil, you risk waking up with minus one masculine dignity 😉 Believe me, it’s not worth it! Use the oil regularly and do not hesitate to wipe your beard dry from snow and raindrops (and immediately after showering). Your girlfriend will understand how caring you can be in relation to those you value.
Tip 4: try to outshine Edward Scissorhands or find your barber god
Make sure to trim your beard once or twice a month. Unleash your talents, go beyond the limits of the possible, get some sharp scissors, a trimmer, a fine comb, a wide and narrow clipper … and prove yourself cool! Or don’t tempt fate – find your tough master in the barbershop. Let’s tell you a secret: going to the barber is a great excuse to sneak out of the house if you urgently need drive, rock and roll, male companionship and single malt whiskey;)
In short, there is only one conclusion: if you want a girl, be ready to love, care for and cherish her. If you want a beautiful thick beard in winter (regardless of whether you live in Ukraine or Antarctica), follow the same steps as in the paragraph about a beautiful weak field;) The main thing is to remember that the lion’s mane is adapted to any weather conditions, and your beard runs the risk of fading away if you abuse cheap, low-quality care products, especially in the cold season. Let yourself be truly exclusive! Only black, only hard core!